Albert Carr's 'Is Business Bluffing Ethical?'

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In practically all aspects of life, ethics and moral obligations are factors that most of us would have to face at some point in our lives. Ethics enable people to act properly and accordingly in a way that would benefit society and uphold it to the greatest good. But alas, being able to constantly maintain good ethics can be a bit unrealistic and might not always be adhered to. Could it be that people don’t know what it means to be ethical or is it because they choose not to be? Just like ethics could be applied anywhere, ethics could be applied in business as well. Albert Carr, who wrote the article entitled “Is Business Bluffing Ethical?” tries to persuade his audience by arguing that business bluffing can be ethical if it was made legal…show more content…
His ethical theory grants businesses permission to selfishly “bluff” in order to maximize their profit. He believes that one can not simply use a single code of ethics and apply it to every situation since all situations are different. Depending on the situation, there are more than one code of ethics that one may apply. In his comparison of poker to business ethics, Carr emphasizes that those who choose to play the game of poker may not always follow the same set of moral rules in the game as they would in other circumstances. The game of poker is much different than the game of life, for it values lying and deceit over honesty and fair play. Bluffing became acceptable in poker so it is not deemed morally wrong. Carr shows in his article how moral rules in business differentiate from the outside world. To many other people, bluffing should not be tolerated and should be governed by the same moral compass. But in my view, having restrictions would keep the public from suffering as a result of dishonest business…show more content…
To support his argument, Carr quotes a Midwestern executive. The person states, “If the law as written gives a man a wide-open chance to make a killing, he’d be a fool not to take advantage of it. If he doesn’t someone else will...There’s nothing unethical about that. It’s just plain business sense.” In other words, if one was given the opportunity, it would be foolish not to take it because someone else will, therefore businesses have every right to lie, cheat, or steal all for the sake of reaching their business goals. There is no “moral compass” to guide businesses through complicated situations and help them do what’s right. As commerce became more complex, organizations needed a direction so that their proceedings did not harm others. Ethics helps, however, it’s taken very lightly and can even be overlooked when faced with a dilemma. To ensure these ethics are carried out, government regulation is needed. Many unethical businesses have engaged in practices such as bribery, and without government intervention, small businesses who play fair would be at a competitive

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