Hero In Beowulf, Arcite, And Sir Gawain

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Hero What is a Hero? A person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Noble - Having and showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles and ideals. Moral - Concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character. So to better understand, the definition for Hero is - A person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, having and showing fine personal qualities or having high concern with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character. Lets compare four characters that are considered Heros, to this definition. Beowulf, Palamon and Arcite and Sir Gawain. Beowulf was a…show more content…
Theseus decided instead of killing them, to take them prisoner. One spring morning Palamon woke early and looked out the window. He saw a girl named Emily, Theseus’s sister-in-law, who he fell in love with and when Arcite awoke he also saw Emily and fell in love. They argued over her but then realized that neither of them can leave the tower. One day a Duke named Perotheus, a friend of both Theseus and Arcite, asks for Arcites freedom. After thinking about it Theseus agrees but banishes Arcite from Athens forever. After many years Arcite had grown gaunt and frail and realized he could return to Athens and not be noticed. He returned and got a job as a page in Emily's chamber. After 7 years of prison, Palamon escapes and finds Arcite wandering in the forest. They both claim the right to Emily so Arcite challenged his old freind to a duel the next day. They met in a field and started their attacks. Theseus, out on a hunt finds them fighting. Palamon reviles both their Identities and wants the Duke to kill them both. Theseus about to kill them is stopped by the Queen and Emily as they plead for the two warriors lives. Theseus then Decides that instead of killing them would have a tournament fifty weeks from then. When the time came the battle started and after a long battle it seemed as if Arcite had won when all of a sudden an…show more content…
He was honorable and didn’t talk as if he was the strongest. Once when Arthur was about to confront the Green Knight Gawain said “I think it not seemly when such challenges be made in your hall that ye yourself should undertake it, while there are many bold knights who sit beside ye, none are there, methinks, of readier will under heaven, or more valiant in open field. I am the weakest, I wot and the feeblest of wit, and it will be less loss of my life if ye seek sooth. For save that ye are mine uncle naught is there in me to praise, no virtue is there in my body save your blood, and since this challenge is such folly that it beseems ye not to take it, and I have asked it from ye first, let it fall to me, and if I bear myself ungallantly then let this court blame

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