Airtel Hierarchy Model

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Aim and Objectives of the Study The aim of this research is to explore the use analytic hierarchy process (AHP) model and conjoint analysis for modeling, analyzing and proffering solution to the problem of low subscribers` preference and patronage of Airtel postpaid product in Nigeria. Therefore, the specific objectives of the study are to: examine the socio-demographic effects of respondent on the purchase decision of Airtel postpaid product in Nigeria. ascertain the relevant drivers motivating subscribers for patronizing and retaining Airtel postpaid products in Nigeria; evaluate the relative importance of postpaid features in the patronage of Airtel brands in the Nigeria telecommunication industry using analytic hierarchy process model;…show more content…
Such as, awareness of the features of mobile telecommunication network postpaid services as well as the adoption of the services in relation the income. Similarly, inferential statistical tool will be used to ascertain the relevant drivers motivating subscribers for patronizing or otherwise Airtel postpaid products in Nigeria. The drivers will be elicited from the literature, interviews of corporate subscribers and market people and focus group discussion (FGD) of GSM subscribers. Again, respondents will be asked Yes/No questions as to ascertain if the drivers can influences their decision to use postpaid services Airtel mobile network. The Yes/No questions will be the independent variables in the logit models (adoption or not) of Airtel postpaid services, while the attributes of postpaid services serve the independent variables based on five Likerts scale. In evaluating the determinant of Subscribers` patronage of Airtel postpaid services in Nigeria, an AHP based questionnaire will be designed to allows for pairwise comparison of the drivers of subscribers’ postpaid purchase. Each comparison will be carried out in line with the hierarchical structure of goal, criteria, sub-criteria and the alternatives. In line with this, analysis was based on normalization, synthesis and the…show more content…
Owing to independent relationship that exists between criteria and alternatives in AHP, the above formula holds. Thus, this will assist stakeholders in determining appropriate retention strategies that will boost the growth and performance of Airtel postpaid product in the telecommunication industry. The population for this study is the total number of GSM customers/subscribers that have registered their line(s) with mobile service providers in Nigeria as at the time of this study. This is contained in the database of Nigeria Communication Commissions (NCC), the body which regulates all the players in the telecommunication industry including CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access), not covered in this study. According to the website of NCC, Nigeria has over 143,064,490 million registered lines as at the time of this study. This may not translate to the same number of customers/individuals, owing to multiple SIMs phenomena (subscribers combining two, three or four SIM cards on a phone or phones) for communication as well as those who died or misplaced their SIMs

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