Afroeurasi The Mongol Legacy

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The Mongol legacy is the direct result of the brilliant and ruthless tactics of the Mongolian leader, Chingis Khan. The Mongolian empire ruled a large portion of Inner Eurasia between 1200 - 1350. It is regarded as a transitional time in Afroeurasia. Once the Mongols were one tribe among many, but Chingis Khan managed to unite the tribes into a new Mongol nation. The real impact the Mongol legacy had on Afroeurasia was a better dissemination of trade and knowledge. The Mongol expansion into Central Asia, which began in 1209 (Panorama. 371), was a direct result of Chingis Khan’s rise to power in Mongolia and it was a turning point in Afroeurasian history. Chingis Khan had created a gigantic state in less than twenty years (Panorama. 373).…show more content…
One of the greatest strengths of the Viking tribes were their unlikely ability to successfully expand their territory with a loose affiliation of tribes that lacked a central figurehead. Nevertheless, once a territory had been conquered, these people had little difficulty maintaining settlements that were a melting pot of Viking and European traditions and culture. This adeptness and willingness to “change with the territory” allowed for greater long term success in maintaing and cultivating their new settlements. Perhaps the Viking’s greatest strength was their ability to raid and conquer new territories, seize wealth and resources and murder any opposition. But this was only one part of the key to their success. As they conquered and spread out across Europe, they were culturally able to acclimate to the religions and customs of the towns that they had raided and eventually settled in to colonize. As they expanded their raids, looking to increase both wealth and fruitful agricultural lands, they eventually settled all across their newly acquired territories throughout Europe. “Many Vikings settled in England, married Anglo-saxon women, took up farming and converted to Christianity”. (Panorama.…show more content…
In the chaos of the 9th and 10th centuries, the leaders of Europe were no longer attempting to restore the Roman institutions. Consequently, Europe developed an effective, but relatively new set of institutions. However, inadequate communication facilities and an ineffective central government meant that Europe was ill prepared for the raids by the Vikings. There were too many “lords” who were too focused on their own, relatively small, power centers. In addition to competing against one another, they also faced the constant threat of Raiders. This made much of Europe exposed and vulnerable to Viking

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