Advantages And Objectives Of Consortia

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OBJECTIVES OF LIBRARY CONSORTIA The main objective of the Consortia is to provide access to qualitative e-resources including full-text and bibliographic databases to academic libraries at a lower rates of subscription. The major objectives of the consortia are as follows To provide access to electronic resource to a large number of academic institution. To provide lower rates of subscription with most favourable terms and conditions. To improve effective article delivery service among the libraries. To promote use of ICT among students in teaching and learning in universities. To extend the benefit of Consortia to its associate members. To impart training to use of electronic resources with an aim to optimize their usage. To promote use…show more content…
Year - 2009): The DRDO E-Journal Service came in the year 2009 covering 10 publishers and one service provider. IIM’s Consortia (Est. Year - 2000): Indian Institutes Management have formed a Consortia & jointly approached the publishers of e-journals and databases in the area of Management, Social & Behavioral science source. AICTE INDEST Consortia (Est. Year – 2003): The “Indian National Digital Library in Engineering Sciences and Technology (INDEST) Consortia” was set up in 2003 by Ministry of HRD, Govt. Of India. Institutions including IISc, IITs, NITs, IIMs. Engineering colleges and technical departments in universities have joined the Consortia with financial support from the AICTE. UGC Infonet Consortia (Est. Year – 2003): UGC-Infonet was an ambitious programme of UGC to interlink all the Universities in the country with state-of-art technology. NKRC (Est. Year – 2009): The National Knowledge Resource Consortium (NKRC) is a network of libraries and information centres of 39 CSIR and 24 DST institutes. HELINET (Est. Year – 2003):: HELINET stands for Health Science Library and Information Network conceived by the University and successfully implemented which is first of its kind in the country by the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences…show more content…
Subscription Guidelines Once the electronic resources proposed for subscription are identified, proposals are to be invited from the publishers of e-resources / their authorized representatives. Negotiation for subscription to e-resources should be done by a Committee that constituted by the Governing Body of central agency. The “Terms and Conditions of Subscription to E-resources” and “Major Points of Negotiations” is considered at the time of negotiating. Financial incentives as a cost-effective access with lower administration. Agreement on time-to-time changes and anticipated future directions While negotiating consortia should decide for better pricing, various issues like bundled e-journals + print, e-journals only, pay-per-view, concurrent users number of IPs, work station. 7.6. Other Guidelines Archiving guidelines for continued access ever after. Evaluation guidelines with librarian and user interaction. Statistical measures to view operated statistics through website and usage of databases. Information Literacy Guidelines to develop feedback materials for

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