Importance Of Sick Leave

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Paid or unpaid leave is often taken by the employees for a variety of reasons. It can include many things right from medical ailments to certain personal and social issues. Human resource management keeps a track on the employees’ leave patterns and its analysis is an important aspect of it. Businesses are often affected by the absence of employees. Hence, it becomes important to manage the absence patterns of the employees. A striking balance needs to be established between helping those employees who suffer from medical ailments and taking strong decisions against those employees who take advantage of the institution’s occupational sick pay schemes. Many reasons can be enumerated for the absence of employees. Some of those include, • Short…show more content…
It is calculated as given below:- S*S*D, where S=number of spell of absence taken by the individual in 52 weeks and D= Number of days of absence taken by that individual. A certain policy, which elaborates about the aims and culture of the business, should be maintained by the organization. It should also have a particular set of rules and regulations for absence which makes the employee obligated to the organization for taking a sick leave. The information regarding the medical ailment should be provided in detail to the staff and management, whenever asked. It may also include provision for sick pay. The policy should contain a number of important things. Firstly, it should clearly mention about the reporting of the medical ailment to the management. It includes everything right from whom the employee should report for taking a sick leave to how many days, the employee needs. Further, it should also include information about when does the organization need a fit note from the doctor. Also, a medical check up from the company’s doctor and that, its mandatory, must be clearly…show more content…
First is short-term absence management. It includes different ways of managing short-term absence. One of the most effective ways of managing is to conduct return-to-work interviews. They help the organization to to detect the problems at an early stage. They may also give a chance to the managers to discuss about the problems and underlying issues, causing absence. Also, certain disciplinary policies regarding absence must be well enforced. All the employees must be made aware of the strict actions that might be taken in the cases of very low attendance and sporadic absence patterns. Illegitimate leaves should not be encouraged by the organization and firm action ahould be taken against it. Further, sick pays can be cancelled by the organization on the grounds of violation of the policy. Providing leave for family circumstances can also be included in the list. Moreover, flexible working contributes a lot towards smooth management of short-term

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