Spacing Strategies In High School

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High school is an integral part of man people’s academic career. It is often said to be one of the most defining years in young adults, providing fundamental skills that aid with communicating socially and academically. However, what strategies are in places so that teenagers learn more quickly and efficiently? From a cognitive science student perspective, tools dealing with memorizing, decision making, and learning are used discreetly in high schools today. Schedules are important in workplace, events, and religious ceremonies. It’s not a surprise that scheduling plays an even bigger part in high school learning. A set schedule forms a habit, so students can go from class to class everyday, ensuring enough rest between each course. This…show more content…
While this may seem like a good opportunity to use spacing practice and do a little bit everyday, our brains function so that things occurring in the future are discounted. Therefore, every project or exam usually does not get done until late. A possible solution to this is to create review sessions at the end of each class, starting a month before the exams to refresh students’ memories from early in the school year. This will help students by spacing out the practice into a one-month time frame, not requiring extra time out of class to study. An alternative approach may be to hand out study packages earlier. Many students cannot find the time near the end of the school year to complete these packages. These packages should include interleaving and retrieval practice so questions are not sorted into chapters. While only selected courses have midterms, I believe courses that have a final exam should also have midterms. This is because with no midterm, students would not be encouraged to study material from early in the term. Having midterm exams enforces material to be reviewed for a final exam later in the…show more content…
An example is my French teacher from Grade 10, Ms. Lever. We had tests called “Dictees,” where she would give us a paragraph to review ahead of time and we would be tested a week later. We would not learn what these paragraphs mean. The test consists of her reading out each sentence in French and us as students writing it down from memory. Marks would be taken off if accents or commas were forgotten. Lever’s teaching style was based on memorization, which is not my strong suit. Students who excelled at memorization thrived in her class. However, her teaching styles were way off from the teacher who everyone says taught the best, Ms. Norman. Ms. Norman is a Chemistry and Science teacher at Prince of Wales Secondary who is known to be strict, but has a variety of knowledge on science, specializing in chemistry and biology. Her classes explore a variety of learning styles like note-taking with fill-in-the-blanks and diagrams, watching videos, and hands-on experience. My learning thrived in this condition, since we had a choice between which note packages to pick out: all completed or fill-in-the-blanks. I chose the latter. Her tests were not based on memorization, but was marked fairly on understanding. Her notes and explanations, paired with practice worksheets, made terms and calculations easy to understand, broken down into

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