Advantages And Disadvantages Of The BCI System

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Forming a BCI system consists of a several main stages. The first one is the signal acquisition process, in which the signals, used to interpret the user’s intentions like EEG are recorded. During this process the brain electrical signals are captured, amplified as the signal strength is usually low and digitized, so that they can be used by computer applications and transmitted the next stage for signal processing and feature extraction. In the signal processing stage the obtained signals are analyzed and it can be divided in 3 parts: signal pre-processing, feature extraction and signal classification. The preprocessing part is associated to the preparing of the signal for processing and clearing…show more content…
This method allows the conversion of the classification results into commands and tasks, together with the application itself to be represented as a supplement to the BCI system. The main advantage of this method is that it can be distributed and used as one compact component as no additional interfaces are required. Modern BCIs based on this design allow application developers to integrate their own application within the existing BCI, however it also requires them some knowledge and ability to interpret the feature signals and the classification results and how to convert them into appropriate…show more content…
All the components related to the BCI system such as the feature extraction, classification process and the feedback provided remain inside the BCI system, and as a consequence the application can be managed independently and both can be adapted to the user’s need without affecting each other. Using this approach, the application can also dynamically update the available choices to some internal state or provide new actions to the user without the need to modify any of the core BCI

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