Acd Approach In Nursing

816 Words4 Pages
5.5: CONCLUSION This study indicates that majority of nurses do care critically ill patients and that majority of nurses assess patient using ABCD approach. However, their optimal care to such patients is questionable due to lack of adequate knowledge among nurses especially on detecting compromised airways and identification and interpretation of risk parameter that indicate patient is deteriorating. Eventhough generally nurses in this study indicated knowledge on correct approach of assessing critically patient using ABCDE as well as having good practice on the assessment of critically ill patient, but in general, there is inadequate knowledge and sub-optimal practice on care of critically ill patients in the ward. So in-order to minimize…show more content…
Inadequate knowledge of the nurses related to the initial assessment of critically ill patients in ward demonstrated in this study could be related to lack of ongoing training, hence risk quality of care to such patients. Thus in order to remove knowledge gap in-service training programs should be met. Area of emphasis in these programs should include patient assessment and observation (ABCD), basic anatomy and physiology and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Also, knowledge and practice gaps identified in this study mean that nurse tutors need to emphasize extremely the assessment and observation of acutely ill patients to students during their basic nursing education, especially the importance of interpretation of their findings obtain from assessment and observation of…show more content…
5.8: RECOMMENDATIONS This study raised important themes and issues related to knowledge, practices and challenges faced by nurses who care the critically ill patients in the wards at Mnazi Mmoja Hospital, Zanzibar. The recommendations are as follows: 1. There is need to design and implement a continuous professional education program with special focus on ABCD assessment, CPR course, how to use assessment tools, protocols and standard charts for proper documentation and systematic way of handover issues. The implementation of these recommendations will require a multifaceted approach from hospital administrative, nurse leaders, practicing nurses, and nurse educators in conjunction with Ministry of Health,

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