American Sign Language Effects On Deaf Culture

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Film and technology have become valuable tools in cultures, even Deaf Culture. Before film, there was no way to record American Sign Language (ASL) because writing the language is nearly impossible because it would not catch the essence of the language. Deaf culture, such as stories and poetry, are passed on face-to-face to other people. Press and film both helped gradually change and expand Deaf culture to other Deaf communities and hearing people. Films allowed more sign language films, preservation of the language, and transformed what hearing people thought about ASL and the Deaf community. Films helped to close cultural gaps, provided knowledge, and allowed the outsiders, in this case hearing people, to be able to understand and enjoy Deaf Culture (p.68).…show more content…
Films increased the recognition of the individual artist and allowed artists to become more experimental and outgoing by leading them to test the boundaries of ASL (p.66). It allowed the performers to get a chance to revise, edit, and redo their performances to near perfection before exposing and releasing them to the world. Films exposed more people to the ASL literature, allowing it to become more popular and permitted hearing people to learn sign language. However, with every benefit comes a downside. With the increase and accessibility of films and technology, Deaf people no longer needed clubs and events because they could watch films whenever they wanted and by themselves. Therefore, Deaf people no longer seek out these events or clubs. Films lessen the need to be face-to-face. The increase in film allowed hearing people to learn sign language, which can have a negative effect, due to the fact that it could mean hearing people could start taking the jobs that only Deaf people could do (p.68). Overall, films played a big role in the expansion of Deaf language and

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