Abi Morgan Love Song Analysis

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Love song directed by Abi Morgan is the a story about a young couple named Bill (Sam Cox, Edward Bennett) and Maggie (Sian Philips, Leanne Rowe) that move to the U.S for a new start and we are taken on their love rollercoaster through their young and exciting youth to their Elderly and more composed self’s. Their story through life is told by the couple in their old age as they interact with their younger selves. As the years go by the couple find their interest in extra-material affairs and struggle with limitations of the expectations that their marriage has given them. Very early on in the play the younger Bill ( Edward Bennett) makes a large financial decision without consulting his wife as a result of this she takes up a part time job even though he does not approve of this. Together the couple struggles as the void left by their inability to have a child burdens them every day. The scenes in the play jump from the future couple to the present in time as the story is told their love, marriage, their wishes and their faith.…show more content…
As there are two sets of actors that play one couple the resemblance was clear and well identifiable on first sight. The play Lovesong was direct by Frantic Assembly’s Scott Graham and Steve Hoggett. Throughout the play the choreography, physical nature of the play and the use of movements to that expresses both couples themselves is very present and give another angle to the play like I have never seen before. The younger couple played by Sian Philips and Sam Cox are particularly use the choreography by Frantic Assembly’s to really embodied their feelings and maturity. The use of the dance is very enjoyable in this play as it does not distract the audience from the main point and is never overstaying its welcome as well as it fits with the style of the play and the text making it seem natural and

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