Wendell Johnson's Stuttering Experiment

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Introduction In 1933, the monster study was conducted by Wendell Johnson at the University of Iowa. This study is about the stuttering experiment performed on twenty two orphan children. They divide these children into groups. Tudor gave one of the group a positive comment and praise them a lot. For the other group, Tudor give them negative speech therapy. The experiment was conducted on orphans to determine whether stuttering was affected by outward influences (parents, peers, teachers, etc.). Many of the normal speaking orphan children who received negative therapy in the experiment suffered negative psychological effects and some retained speech problems for the rest of their lives. Author Wendell Johnson (April 16, 1906 – August 29, 1965) was a proponent of General Semantics. He was known for the experiment called “The Monster Study” which did in 1933 in the University of Iowa. Although the experiment was not ethical but he still admired by people around the world includes his son. “Dad was a leading figure in the general semantics movement”, said by his son Nicholas Johnson(Nicholas Johnson, 2000). In order to memorize him, The Wendell Johnson Speech and Hearing Center, which houses the University of Iowa's speech pathology and audiology programs, is named after him.…show more content…
For example, if some one was born right hand but was using left hand, their nerve impulses will misfire, affecting their speech and become a sign of stuttering. Tudor tested each student’s IQ and identified whether the student is right hand or left hand. However, Johnson and Tudor found out there was no correlation between handedness and speech in this project crop. Consequently, researchers can ensure that the fact of handedness will not effect the experimental result.

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