A Summary Of Charles Bent's Rebellion

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In September of 1846 Charles Bent was appointed the first civil governor under American rule in the territory of New Mexico. Nobody could have possibly foreseen the unfortunate fate that would befall him. The unfortunate fate of Charles Bent is now referred to as Bent’s Rebellion. The historical result from this event is still discussed today. Governor Bent’s story does not only display a very troublesome conflict, but the battle held after the rebellion was one never to be forgotten. The people of New Mexico would be forever impacted. Bent was born and raised at a time when America was growing. Trade was expanding, becoming popular and profitable with the help of the idea of Manifest Destiny. Few Americans and European fur traders came to…show more content…
Charles Bent soon became involved in gaining real estate. In fact, he had 25% ownership interest in a giant real estate acquisition called the Mirando Beaubien Land Grant. There were many people in New Mexico who were against Americans or any foreigners owning land. Bent believed in his friendships with the people of New Mexico. He felt that he was good standing with the people. Although, he felt himself to be a loyal Taoseno, it still was not okay for him to own land as he was an American. Feelings became strong and resentment began to build among the people. Plans were set in motion that would lead to a rebellion. When Bent heard of these plans he was worried. He made sure to take some precautions just in case something actually transpired. In January of 1847 Bent traveled home from Santa Fe to Taos. When he got there he found a group of Indians waiting for him. The delegation of Indians requested that he release some…show more content…
Bent explained to them that he would not do that. He told them that there was a legal process that must be followed. This decision didn’t set well with the group of Taos people and Taos Pueblo Indians. Early in the following morning a large group of Taosenos and Indians from the Taos Pueblo arrived back at Bent’s home. They were very angry, but Bent believed his relationships with the people were solid enough to prevent any harm to him or others even though the wouldbe attackers had intentions to kill every American in Taos. He continued to reason with the rebels, even pleading with them to wait and put their faith in the legal process. The group did not listen. Forfeiting any chance of a compromise the rebels attacked. Before he knew it Bent had been shot in the chin and stomach with arrows. (Cruchtfield, 2015) The Indians continued to shoot Bent with more arrows. They also slashed his arms, wrists, and they scalped him. Unfortunately, there were others in the house during the attack. Bent’s wife, Josefa Jaramillo Carson (Kit Carson’s wife), a step-daughter, Rumalda Luna Boggs, the Bent children and an old Indian woman were frightened by what might happen to them. However,

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