A Rose For Emily Research Paper

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A Rose for Emily, by William Faulkner, has complicate story about a mysterious old woman, but shocks readers at the end of the story. The conflict between Emily Grierson who lived in the big mansion and villagers, a reversal ending, and limited third person narrator carried out of the story. After the reading, most people think that the story is about Emily, who goes insane after her father’s death. Faulkner used the background history, isolation, characters, and dynamic ending to shows Before mentioning about the Emily, we should know the history that effected to the story directly because most stories reflect the theme from the history or the issue. “dating from that day in 1894 when Colonel Sartoris, the mayor-he who fathered the edict that no Negro woman should appear on the streets without an apron--… invented an involved tale to the effect that Miss Emily’s father had loaned money to the town” (Falkner 82) This shows the period of the time and that the story happened between 19th and 20th century. Also, we can find the clue about the place from “graves of Union and Confederate soldiers who fell at the battle of Jefferson” (Falkner 82) that represents Southern United States indirectly. In the 19th century, the civil war happened because the government tried to prohibit slavery and Southern United States…show more content…
In that moment, people in the town were very curious about Emily’s house because she never let people in the house. Villagers agreed to broke her house and find the Homer Barron’s body who disappeared 30 years ago. It is important because it revealed Emily’s characteristic refusing to live in real life. “Then we noticed that in the second pillow was the indentation of a head… we saw a long strand of iron-grey hair.”(Falkner 88.) It was about the moment after the villagers went into the secret room in Emily’s house. We can find that the iron-grey hair is Emily hair that shows she slept with a dead

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