A Rhetorical Analysis Of Dr. Martin Luther King's Speech

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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was not just a great inspirational speaker but a humble individual. He spoke clearly and firmly on his believes. The purpose of his teaching was to expose the world to racial differences and discrimination, Specifically between African-Americans and whites. Dr. King provided information, examples and historical moments in history to communicate with his listeners. When he spoke of his personal experiences he spoke with emotion and heart. Through the emotion and determination in his voice his listener’s was able to feel the pain and reality in every word he spoke. He was a great activist, his words, determination and faith inspired everyone around him to stand up for their rights. As a Baptist minister and having educational experience, he used biblical verses to deliver his speech. The last part of his speech stated “Free at last! Free at last!” Thank God almighty, we are free at last” Dr. King integrated his spiritual beliefs with his political views and moral values. It was his position to be the spokesperson for everyone…show more content…
Kennedy expressed his civil rights speech encouraging congress his bill for Civil Rights Act. Just a day later on June 12, 1963 NAACP worker Medgar Evans was murdered in Jackson, Mississippi. The 1950’s and 1960’s is known in history as the Civil Rights Movement. During the period of the Civil Right Movement things got extremely intense it caused an outbreak of many beatings, murders, bombings, lynching and injustice. Dr. King’s speech was pivotal during the Civil Rights Movement. I quote him “I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation”. That particular speech was delivered on August 28, 1963. During that period there was also a March for Jobs and Freedom. Today in the year of 2015 makes fifty two years since Dr. King delivered his Great and inspiring
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