A Hero's Journey In 'Siddhartha'

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Every individual‟s life could be a journey. There ar completely different stages in life that one goes through and by experiencing these completely different stages of life one becomes wiser. within the novel, Gautama Siddhartha|Gautama Buddha|mystic|religious mystic} and also the intellectual the protagonist Siddhartha and Santiago each undergo completely different stages in life that created them grow, learn and remodel into wiser folks. each protagonists press on a journey that is eventually a similar however the aim of journey is completely different. Similarly, each protagonist struggles through their journey to become wiser folks. However, the tip result for each protagonists was a similar that is discovering themselves. In their early…show more content…
Santiago's Refusal does not absolutely settle for the dream till he talks to the king of salem Santiagos threshold element going into continent Siddhartha's Threshold getting into the forrest to hitch the samanas Santiago's Guardians king of salem (had to convey up 1/10 of sheep), crystal bourgeois (finding life within the desert) Siddhartha's Guardian his father (proved he was prepared by standing showing his dedication) Santiago's Challenges being robbed, turning into the wind, overwhelmed up at the pyramids Santiago's Temptation Muhammadan (love) Santiago's abysm remodeling himself into the wind or he are going to be killed, concern of turning into the wind Santiago's Transformation turning into the wind Santiago's Revelation seeing that the soul of god could be a a part of him; sees that he's apart of the soul of the globe Santiago's Gift Muhammadan, accomplishment of private legend, treasure Siddhartha's Challenges finding nirvana, going away kamala/her death, going away govinda with religious mystic, got wedged in cycle, losing his son Siddhartha's Temptation kamala, cycle (material world; money), love of his son, govinda Siddhartha's abysm contemplates ending his life (suicide) Siddhartha's Revelation realizing that everything within the world is connected Siddhartha's Gift enlightenment,

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