A Good Old Fashioned Orgy: Non Monogamy

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Louis Leshner Dr. Richter MP-4350 11/19/2014 In this paper, I will show how contemporary comedies depict non-monogamy and whether or not it is shown in a way that is beneficial for the non-monogamous lifestyle. The film A Good Old Fashioned Orgy shows non-monogamy through, as you probably have already guessed, an orgy. Overall, the film depicts non-monogamy as something as a one-off thing to escape the monotony of monogamy. After the main character, Eric, find out that his father is selling the house he and his friends have been throwing giant parties at since high school. Although met with hesitation at first, eventually the group of eight are all on board. By the end of the movie, the group of friends have their orgy and then return to their “normal” lives. The film…show more content…
Instead, Saxes mentions on later in her article “Within Science fiction, non-monogamy can become the ‘novum’ — the new element which informs the reader that are in a different world, and offers novelty with which the text can experiment”(Saxey pg. 30). It is because of the genre that this film is in, that it is able to portray things more overtly than in other genres. Ferrer mentions in his article that monogamy is the “spiritually correct” relationship according to religious groups (Ferrer 56). The film experiments with that concept by having Fry and Yivo create a church form Yivo’s tentacles. Inside the church, Yivo “preaches” his reasons for coming to their universe after everyone has been attached to Yivo’s tentacles. The scene is shown in a way that most ministers preach to a congregation about what they believe is moral and right, shattering the conception of monogamy being the only “spiritually correct” relationship by showing how non-monogamy can be presented in the same exact

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