501 (3) Organization Analysis

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In order for this essay to have perspective, the 501(c) (3) organization must be explained. According to the Internal Revenue Service website (irs.gov), Section 501(c) (3) is the portion of the United States Internal Revenue code that allows for federal tax exemption of nonprofit organizations, specifically those that are considered public charities, private foundations or private operating foundations. It is regulated and administered by the United States Department of Treasury through the Internal Revenue Service. Further, 501(c) (3) organizations fall into one of three primary categories: public charities, private foundations, and private operating foundations. A public charity is generally defined by the Internal Revenue Service…show more content…
Revenue may come from a relatively small number of donors, even single donors. Private foundations are usually thought of as nonprofits which support the work of public charities through grants, though that is not always the case. Donations to private foundations can be tax deductible to the individual donor up to 30 percent of the donor’s income. Governance of a private foundation can be much more closely held than in a public charity. A family foundation is an example of a private foundation. The third category is the least common: private operating foundation. These organizations often maintain active programs similar to public charities but may have attributes (such as close governance) similar to a foundation. As such, private operating foundations are often considered hybrids. Most of the earnings must go to the conduct of programs. Donation deductibility is similar to a public…show more content…
Of note, white nationalism has been interchangeably used in the past as a milder term for white supremacy. In the last decade, the New Century Foundation, National Policy Institute, the Charles Martel Society, and VDare Foundation have collectively raised over 8 million dollars for their organizations to disseminate and promote hatred and bigotry. The New Century Foundation, a publishing company, best known for the monthly online magazine American Renaissance, has been described as a white supremacist publication. Further, Jared Taylor, the head of the New Century Foundation has openly stated that his organization "raises money strictly for the benefit of white people" (McShane 2016). Also, the National Policy Institute is a white supremacist think tank that acts as a lobbying group for white supremacists and the "alternative right" which was made popular by their leader Richard Spencer. National Policy currently operates in Alexandria, Virginia where although city leaders acknowledge their operational presence, they also criticize the group's views. Spencer has been quoted as making comments like, "America, at the end of the day belongs to white men" (McShane,

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