2001 Space Odyssey Research Paper

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ODYSSEY The movie 2001: A Space Odyssey is about an odyssey. Personally, I have no clue what an odyssey is. Do you know what an odyssey is? According to Dictionary.com, odyssey has two definitions. The first definition of odyssey is, “an epic poem attributed to Homer, describing Odysseus's adventures in his ten-year attempt to return home to Ithaca after the Trojan War.” The second definition is, “a long series of wanderings or adventures, especially when filled with notable experiences, hardships, etc.” 2001: A Space Odyssey totally fits the second definition of an “odyssey”. The movie was, “a long series of wanderings or adventures, especially when filled with notable experiences, hardships, etc.” It was a long series of adventures starting with the apes figuring out that they have weapons after touching the black monolith. Then HAL 9000, Frank, Dave, and three scientists in cryogenic hibernation were exploring in space and had a mission to Jupiter. There were definitely notable experience and hardships. Lastly, when Dave went through the wormhole to a different place. The movie showed the rest of his life. It showed what he did as he aged, how he died, and where he ended up. Dave had a notable experience…show more content…
His journey with his men started after the victory at Troy. Odysseus’ fifth stop at the Island of Aeolus, Aeolus gave Odysseus all the bad winds so he can sail home. His men didn’t listen to orders and open the bags so all of the winds escaped. Circe turned Odysseus’ men into pigs during his seventh stop at Circe’s Island. Odysseus was protected by magic from Hermes. He ended staying there for a couple years. Before he left Circe told Odysseus that he needs to find Teiresias, the blind prophet, in the Underworld. At his eighth stop ,the Underworld, Odysseus asked Teiresias how he could get home. He also found his mother there which she committed suicide because of

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