1992 Los Angeles Riots Research Paper

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The 1992 Los Angeles riots (otherwise possibly known as the South Central riots, the 1992 Los Angeles civil disturbance/unrest, or more popularly as the Rodney King riots) were a chain of civil disturbances including riots, arsons, and lootings that occurred in 1992 in the Los Angeles County of California. The riots broke out after the acquittal of the police officers on trial for police brutality incident that was videotaped and widely-covered. But that moment was the climatic peak from years of tension between the black community, LAPD, political disagreement between Mayor Tom Bradley and Chief of Police Daryl Gates and it dramatically changed Los Angeles’s geography, especially ethnical and residentially. Many geographer’s believe that…show more content…
Looting, arson, assault and even murder occurred during the riots, and over 1$ Billion of property damage was estimated.[1] Local police didn’t handle the situation so only after soldier from the 7th infantry Division, the California Army National Guard, and even the 1st Marine Division of the Marines were called in to stop the rioting did it end. Over 2000 people were injured, and 53 people were killed during the riots in total. Between $800 million and $1 billion of material losses were estimated. 1,100 buildings were destroyed, destroyed with the approximately 3,600 fires that were set, fire calls coming once every minute.[1] Looting was widespread and the stores own by Asian ethnicities, mostly those owned by Koreans, were mainly targeted.…show more content…
The meaning this phrase translates to “four-two-nine” in Korean. This is a reference to the day the riots started, April 29, 1992 [5].Before the riots Korean immigration was on the rise. During the riots, many of Korean American in the South LA area fled to Korea town and called for volunteers using Korean-language radio stations to guard the area against riots. Many of these volunteers were armed, with improvised weapons of many variety including shot guns and semi-automatic rifles. Racial tensions between Koreans and African Americans had been simmering for many years prior with the new influx of Korean immigrating to America and setting up shop in black communities. African-American’s were angry at the growing community of Korean merchants earning a living in what they considered as their community in South Central Los Angeles. They also felt disrespected and looked down upon by many of these merchants

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