Not Taken For Granted In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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The romantic movement was a literary movement that made its way throughout almost every country of Europe, the United States and Latin America. The Romantic Era lasted from 1798 to 1832. The Romantic Era valued imagination and the expression of emotions over rational thought. Throughout the romantic era women were quite essential, but also taken for granted. The 19th century women were used for the sole purpose of the husband. Love should be cherished like a baby’s birth, it is sacred and should not be taken for granted. Some may believe the romantic period is solely based on love. But in this case, behind the scenes of the novel Frankenstein there was a very scandalous love affair in the works. In the summer of 1816, a unseemly love triangle…show more content…
Although, Mary Shelley was not in agreeance on the thoughts of society. In the article Love and Horror, it states, “Mary’s actions alienated her from her father who did not speak to her for some time” (Grimm 3). This statement provides evidence that Mary knew her actions were not approved of, but love blinded her sense of reality. Often, women look for satisfaction in a man to replace pain. Ernest Lovell states in his article Byron and Mary Shelley, “Mary was often in search of a father” (Lovell 1). As a result of Shelley’s father alienating her, she wanted to find love anyway she possibly could. Although, Mary seemed to be in love with Percy Shelley, she had other men in mind. Most would think she would be bother by her stepsister Claire Clairmont being in love with Percy Shelley as well. Mary’s attitude towards Claire Clairmont was quite peculiar. Mary Shelley seemed unbothered by her sisters company on she and her husbands summer trip. As for Claire Clairmont, her attitude towards Mary Shelley may not have been the…show more content…
In the article, Love and Treachery Among the Romantics, it states “Claire remained part of Shelley’s household until his death” (Sharp 2). Which means, Claire and Percy Shelley had love for one another, although their love may not have been conditional. Even though, Claire loved Percy she herself had another love affair of her own in the works. Claire Clairmont was not the epitome of a 19th century woman.As a 19th century women, she should have carried herself with dignity and respect. These traits were two qualities Claire did not posses. Having multiple lovers was not to be tolerated in the eyes of society. Most would see Claire Clairmont as a concubine of some sorts. Claire’s actions could only be a result of neglect from the man she truly loved Percy

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