1920s Popular Culture

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In the 1920s, it was all about change for the nation and its people. The 1920s was also known as the “Roaring Twenties” because of its popular culture during its decade in America. It was the time more people lived in the cities than on farmland and when people listened to the same music. The 1920s is mainly known for its jazz music, flappers, and the problems on prohibition; there were also many topics that impacted the nation: mass culture and entertainment, religious and moral issues, black issues and opportunities, as well as women’s issues and opportunities. The mass culture and entertainment in the 1920s expanded across the nation because people were transformed by the characteristics of filmmaking, music, dance, fashion, art, and literature. Movie theaters were overflowing with people and Hollywood’s movie industry was growing for the better. Towards the end of the decade, silent films were replaced because there were films with sound. In 1926, the first movie with a soundtrack was released called Don Juan. Not only were motion films so popular, but the literatures during this time were as well; F. Scott…show more content…
In 1921, there was an accusation of a black man attacking a white woman who was an elevator operator in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The black man was arrested which set off the whites to destroy homes and vandalize businesses owned by blacks. The Ku Klux Klan fell out in the 1870s but mantled itself in 1915; from their revival, in the 1920s, the KKK reported to have 4 million members and 4,000 chapters across the nation (LaFosta). During the Great Migration, over a million of blacks migrated to northeastern cities but discrimination was still occurring. Blacks were not given the same opportunities as whites were and when applying for skilled jobs, they were denied; because of the communities the blacks had to live in, the education level were terrible standards

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