12 Angry Men Analysis

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The film begins with twelve men gathering together as a jury to make a decision on an ongoing case of a murder trial. As they meet for the first time, separate from the courtroom, each individual brings different personalities and characteristics to the room. A sense of unease and uncomfortableness lingers in the room keeping communication limited. Many of the members on the jury are silent, and reserve their words because of nervousness. The primary tension is discomfort caused by the unfamiliar members on the jury, Jury 7 (Filmsite 1) tries to break the tension within the room by making witting remarks and jokes that is not easily accepted by many of the men. The role of uncomfortableness results in a hasty and abrupt decision making on…show more content…
In the emergence stage, uncertainty is at its highest and curiosity makes individuals really reflect on their decisions. Conflict between two opposite opinions make it difficult to choose what is the right decision. Juror 3, Lee J. Cobb (Filmsite 1) and juror 8, Henry Fonda have conflicting issues between the innocence and guiltiness of the boy; Cobb tries to persuade other jurors by reaffirming the facts given, while Fonda gives arguments to each of the facts Cobb states. By stating arguments and inaccuracies of the facts given in trail, other jurors are given a reasonable doubt. As numerous ballots for voting continues throughout these arguments, differences in voting changes each time. Gradually each member gives their own input listening to the two opposing jurors. Emergence of not only the decision, but also characters become evident through this stage. After all discussion is finished, final voting is once again asked upon all jury members. The decision is one made by the observation of many different viewpoints of the unique individuals in the room. Gradually one by one decision is changed from guilty to not guilty because of the doubts influenced by juror 8. Reinforcement on opposing thoughts about the boy murdering causes solidarity within the jury members to understand what really may have happened in the trial. As the jurors make their final decision, juror 3 who had stood firm with his unwavering decision, changes once all the other members of the jury influence and give the sense of certainty with their opinions. As final ballots are done, voting from eleven men voting guilty changes to twelve people voting not guilty. The four stages of Fisher model gives direct relation to the film because of its dissection of the conflict being resolved. Fisher’s model includes orientation, conflict, emergence,

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