1.07 Lab

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1. List major activities performed during the lab experience. Identify menu items that you prepared and methods of cooking. Describe equipment used, both small and large. The first activity I performed during this lab time was to walk around the facility accompanied with the supervisor. She explained to me the HACCP they need to follow, how to use the equipment and where everything was located. I helped the Child Nutrition employees to prepare different meals such as hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chicken nuggets with roll, and pepperoni and cheese pizza. I also placed different food items in trays, cover them and mark the date and description to store them in the freezer. I served on cafeteria line, using trays and ladles. Finally, I observed and understood the POS system. 2.…show more content…
What were the most important things you learned? The most important things I learned and understood in this lab was that time is very important. I already knew that food should not be in the TDZ for long periods of time, but I had not seen people being so precise and taking really care of the temperature of the food. I also learned how the POS system works. I learned how much money is reimbursed depending on the different categories. 3. As a result of your experience, would you recommend any changes in procedures, recipes or use of equipment? Why or why not? Everything in the facility was great. The supervisor makes sure the employees pay attention to the temperatures and times. All the employees follow HACCP. The place is very clean and all the machines work correctly. The supervisor makes sure the temperatures of the refrigerator and freezer are taken in the morning and before clocking out to ensure that the food is stored properly. XI. SCHOOL FOODSERVICE LAB 2 (Middle or high school with multiple lines) 1. From what types of serving lines can students

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