The Importance Of James Madison: Ratifying The US Constitution

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James Madison was a firm believer, in limiting, an abundance of authority in a single branch of government, and in federalist 51 introduced an idea known as the separation of powers. James Madison was a famous federalist (someone who desired to ratify the constitution) and advocated for several controversial issues for said ratification. These powers included the legislative, judicial, and executive branches. Madison incorporated persuasive techniques to insure anti-federalist this separation of powers would preserve liberty and limit a powerful national government. James Madison worked towards the ratification of the U.S Constitution with his written works in hopes of ratifying the U.S constitution. Preservation of liberty was a key importance to anti-federalist(people who disapproved of the ratification of the Constitution).Within federalist 51 James Madison explains the separation of powers would protect the freedom of U.S citizens. Madison construed for freedom to be abundant each department should "have a will of its own," and is obligated towards the "preservation of liberty. “ This meaning each branch of government has their own liabilities, and lets the people concur, who is in charge of these onuses. This preserves liberties, because power is separated equally and derived from the people. Another particle Madison conducts includes…show more content…
Madison implementing this idea of checks and balances advocated that confirmation. Checks and balances were set in the constitution for the reduction of the majority rights consuming the minority rights. James Madison formulated an idea called checks and balances in advocating for representation of the minority, and ratification of the U.S

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