Auguste Comte: The Spirit Of Law

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Apart from that, Auguste Comte also being influenced by the writings of his predecessors which made him to develop such stages of human development. Firstly, Comte was being influenced by the writing of Montesquieu’s The Spirit of Law. Briefly about Montesquieu who was born in 1689 and died in 1755. His work combined the study of history, political science, criticism, political theory and sociology but he has been described as the greatest sociologist of Enlightenment that based on religious influences and progressive idea based on scientific observation. Montesquieu’s The Spirit of Law was written in year 1748. He argued that society must considered a thing that could be observation and analysis such as moral, manner, custom and social structure…show more content…
Briefly about Condorcet who was born in 17th September 1734 and died in 29th March 1794. He was also a French philosopher of the Enlightenment. He outlined the cultural and intellectual growth of the human race from beings no different from animals, to slaves of religious leaders, to the post-revolutionary France and America based on science and rationality in as well as Condorcet even goes so far as to claim that human beings may attain indefinitely-extended lifespans through science, observing progress in the medical sciences, he wrote, “Would it even be absurd to suppose this quality of melioration in the human species as susceptible of an indefinite advancement… and that the duration of the middle space, of the interval between the birth of man and this decay, will itself have no assignable limit?” in Progress of Human Mind. In addition, Progress of Human Mind also portrays in which the subject to the same general laws that can be observed in the development of the faculties of the individual, and it is indeed no more than the sum of that development realized in a large number of individuals joined together in society. What happens at any particular moment is the result of what has happened at all previous

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