Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points For Ending The Cause Of World War I

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On January 18th, 1919 President Woodrow Wilson proposed the Fourteen Points that thoroughly outlined strategies for ending the war and eliminate the causes of war. Wilson directly addressed the reasons for what he thought were the causes of the war by proposing open covenants, freedom of international waters, a reduction in weaponry, claims over land should be fair, free trade, and giving back land taken during the rise of imperialism. The Fourteen Points is Wilson’s plan for ending the war and preventing future world wars following World War I. Prior to drafting the Fourteen Points Wilson was well aware that efforts needed to be made to avoid another World War. Wilson decided he needed to make WWI an ideological war in addition to reshaping…show more content…
There were many countries within Europe that had enormous military power, but the German military seemed to be the most militaristic (Harrison). If one country posed too much power it was very likely that war would break out. (Harrison). The Germany and Austria-Hungary alliance is one example of a dominant alliance that was a major cause for the start of WWI. Because of the close relationship and military might between these three countries, there was plenty of soldiers ready to show who was the stronger power which was the recipe for a pro-war nation. The German and Austria-Hungary alliance was so strong, they were able to throw off the balance of power in Europe (Harrison). Wilson’s fourth point called militaries to “be reduced to the lowers point consistent with domestic safety” (Wilson 2). Because militarism was a major cause of WWI, if no country or nation was more powerful than the other, and if each country had an even or low balance of soldiers then they would be less inclined to show of their military…show more content…
He states, “ We grudge her no achievements or distinction of learning or of pacific enterprise such as have made her record very bright and very enviable” (Wilson 3). The reason for Wilson’s first and second point in the list implies Germany’s secret treaties and submarine warfare. Points five to thirteen promote self-determination and restoring land that taken via imperialism (Bentley 803). Wilson believed transitioning away from empires and giving citizens the right to choose their own government, democracy, leaders, etc., would keep the peace because the nations would be able to rule themselves. These points offered freedom to the many displaced ethnic minorities that had been burdened by imperialism and the war. And lastly, Point 14, was the formation of The League of Nations, aimed at maintaining world peace and preventing future wars. This point was to address and settle disputes between countries before it led to war and respect “political independence and territorial integrity” no matter how big or small the country (Wilson

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