Women Win In Sports Analysis

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Sports are important to American culture, as well as American citizens. Often times, American citizens watch games to see who wins, but why does that matter? Michael Kimmelman, Sara Maratta, Jennie Yabroff, and Wilfrid Sheed would agree that it matters if women win the big game because women are not being accepted, or respected as much as men in sports. Maya Angelou and Felisa Rogers argue that it does not matter who wins the big game because overall, sports gives hope to people. However, Rogers and Angelou disagree on how hope is given to people through who wins in sports games. Joe Posnanski and William Moller would agree that it does not matter if cheating, involving performance enhancing drugs, helps athletes win or lose. However, Sheed…show more content…
Yabroff’s article is about the history of cheerleading and how it has become a sport that has lost respect. Yabroff makes the overall argument, in her article, that cheerleading is a sport that is underappreciated due to the stereotypes that has been placed on it. Yabroff writes, “’Cheerleaders have such a wholesome, all-American, uncorruptible image, the idea of them being corrupted really appeals to people,’ Torgovnick says” (Yabroff 527). In the same sense, Maratta agrees with Yabroff when she writes, “Just Google her name and you will be overwhelmed with pictures of her breasts and backside-even nude photos and videos taken through a hotel peephole” (Maratta 542). In both of these examples of how women are negatively depicted in sports, Yabroff and Maratta are in agreement that women are depicted as having to look attractive while playing sports, and men do not. In sports having this double standard, if women win the games then they may be regarded as equals with men. Both of these examples illustrate how Yabroff and Maratta argue that it matters if women win the big game because they should not have to adhere to a double

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