Wizard Of Earthsea Research Paper

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Good and evil have long been debated about. Society, as a whole, accepts the “normal” values of what good and evil are. Good is love, patience, and kindness. Good is not taking the cookie out of the cookie jar even though no one is looking. It’s always being honest. Evil, however, is the complete opposite. Evil is stealing, dishonesty, and hate. Who exactly dictates what is good and evil? Can one not accept both good and evil in themselves and still be considered good? In her book “A Wizard of Earthsea” Ursula K. Le Guin did exactly that. The main character in her book, Ged, ended up accepting the evil and became better because of it. In the beginning Ged was prideful, impatient, and even angry at times. After he loosed the shadow he went through a time of insecurity, caution and even shame. He went through many trials with his own shadow learning that all he had to do was become one with it. Le Guin showed that both good and evil need to be accepted to truly be whole. Once you accept the evil desires or evil thoughts you can then genuinely become who you are supposed to be. It’s all about balance, but what happens when you push out…show more content…
Who dictates what is good and what is evil? Does everyone not have his or her own needs? What if fulfilling those needs means you must blur the lines of what is right and wrong? In “The Golden Compass” by Philip Pullman good and evil is what you choose to do, what your intent is. “She sat up and took the hot cup in both hands, alternately sipping and blowing to cool it. She kept her eyes down. She must pretend harder than she’d ever done in her life.” (Pullman) Lyra chose to lie, or pretend, to Mrs. Coulter so that it would save her and many other children in the long run. It also got her information. This was not necessarily a bad thing to do, but lying is normally considered wrong. Circumstance dictates how and what is

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