Edgar Alan Poe's The Black Cat

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In “The Black Cat,” by Edgar Alan Poe, the narrator clearly states that he does not expect anyone to believe his story of how he aimed to kill a cat but mistakenly killed his wife. “I neither expect nor solicit belief” (Poe 718). The fact that he can admit to how preposterous the idea is stands as proof that the murder was not an accident. The narrator was not always a heartless murderer. “From my infancy I was noted for the docility and humanity of my disposition” (718). Because of his nature as a child his parents obtained several pets for him, a habit that his wife continued. Just as the narrator developed an increasingly hateful attitude towards his pet cat, Pluto, he developed the same feelings towards his once beloved wife, which led…show more content…
Initially the narrator loved the cat. As time passed he began to develop a dislike for the pets and his wife which he blamed on his increased alcohol consumption. “…my general temperament and character…experienced a radical alteration for the worse” (Poe 719). He began to verbally and physically abuse his wife. The cat was the last creature to experience the narrator’s wrath. At first the narrator would mistreat the other animals and his wife but the cat still had a place in his heart. “For Pluto, however, I still retained sufficient regard to restrain me from maltreating him…” (719). The narrator’s mental state had altered so much everything he once adored was becoming obsolete. “I grew day by day…more regardless of the feelings of others”…show more content…
His wife adored the cat. For a short while, he admired the cat, but his admiration was quickly replaced by bitterness and hatred. He became to distance himself and was annoyed by the cat. Although he was not fond of the cat he never abused it. He was frightened of this cat because of its eerie resemblance to Pluto. The narrator was so afraid of the cat he began to experience insomnia. “Alas! Neither by day nor by night knew I the blessing of Rest any more” (Poe 722)! The narrator’s fear of the cat combined with his alcohol use made his mental state worse. He began to hate all things and mankind! “…my uncomplaining wife, alas! was the most usual and the most patient of sufferers”

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