Why Does Phillip Lomband Have No Crime

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And then there were two. One was worse than the other. Hint: Lombard. In a perfect world there would be no crime, but our world is not perfect. Our world is not even close to being perfect because many criminals are not brought to justice. A sad and scary fact is that people who are innocent are sometimes proven guilty and the people who are guilty are not always getting caught. The people who do not get caught and have no morals are more likely to commit a crime again. These people are carrying out the greatest misdeeds, especially if those deeds are as bad as murder. In Agatha Christie's novel, And Then There Were None, Phillip Lombard has gotten away with many crimes and he has no regret. Phillip Lombard pulled off the worst crime of everyone on Indian Island because he killed twenty-one people, did not feel remorse, and got away with it with his authority. His terrible crime defiantly stands out from the rest. While the…show more content…
Oddly he seems satisfied that he left them to starve to death. After the accusations on the gramophone, almost all are saying what they did was justified or that they did not actually murder someone. Lombard on the other hand is not afraid of telling the truth and does not have one bit of regret for what he did. He even smiles. "Lombard spoke. His eyes were amused. He said: 'About those natives—' Marston said: 'What about them?' Phillip Lombard grinned. 'Stories quite true! I left 'em!' (67). The way he feels about the matter makes him seem already mentally unhinged before people start dying on the island. Christie uses the word amused to describe him a couple times like he is sadistic. Vera is repelled by what Lombard did. "'You left them—to die?' Lombard answered: 'I left them to die.' His amused eyes looked into her horrified ones" (68). The fact that he does not feel guilty almost makes him more

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