Why Did Salem Witch Trials Of 1692 Occur?

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20 innocent people, 7 men and 13 women were hanged for being accused of a witch. Why did the Salem witch trials of 1692 occur? My thesis of the Salem Witch trials is: jealousy, spoiled little girls playing into people’s fear, and the ages and genders of the accusers and accused. One of the reasons I think the Salem Witch Trials occurred is because the accusers were jealous of the accused which is why they were accused. According to Doc. B&C, accusers lived on poorer land and the accused lived on richer land. Accusers were mostly single and the accused were mostly married or widowed. Another reason why I believe the Salem Witch Trials occurred is because spoiled little, drunk with power girls played into people’s fear. Based on Doc. D&C Historian

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