Who Is Sarosh In Squatter Mistry

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UNI307 Assignment 4 Throughout the years, the focus of Canadian literature has changed, from the most well known motifs of natural environment to multicultural mosaic, as Canada is now known as a country of immigrants. One of the reasons Canada is desirable for migration is its effort to encourage cultural diversity, as “the Multicultural Department is a Canadian invention.” However, does it really mean immigrants are able to live happily ever after in Canada? Squatter by Rohinton Mistry depicts an immigrant’s experience moving to Canada. The story starts with a group of Indian boys listening to stories about Indian overseas, when Nariman the storyteller introduced the protagonist Sarosh, the “squatter”. Sarosh moves to Canada from India in search for a better life. However, Sarosh was unable to adjust to Canada due to one reason – the toilet. Sarosh struggled to use western style toilet because he is used to squatting in the washroom. At the end, even though he finally uses the toilet successfully on the plane, he still stayed on the flight and return home. The paper will discuss the way Mistry employs Sarosh to represent immigrants and…show more content…
In the beginning of the story, Nariman tells the neighborhood boys a story about Savukshaw, an Indian cricket player in England, and how he saved his team. During the story telling, the boys and Nariman refer to Savukshaw’s team as “our team” because Savukshaw is on the team. I believe their pride represents not only their pride for a fellow Indian, but also communicates the pride that steams from a fellow Indian defeating a foreigner in a foreign country. It is likely that Mistry aims to show the struggles of immigrants, that it is not enough to be on the team but one would have to prove themselves to the natives in order to be successful as an immigrant. In other words, the standard of success for immigrants is held higher than

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