Who Is Keurig's Competitors

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SWOT Analysis Strengths Prior Success : Keurig had been hugely successful with its products so far. The B2000 brewer and K-Cup had generated huge amounts in sales and revenue and the company could leverage this success, and already large consumer base, in trying to create new and more successful products. First-Mover advantage : Having been a pioneer in the single cup coffee market, the company would also be the first to transfer the single cup product to the household market. Such advantage would enable the company make the most of the market opportunity and maximise revenue. Market Research : Keurig had carried out extensive market research and had adequate information from various segments to make timely and favorable business decisions.…show more content…
Opportunities Foreign Market : While Keurig had made significant waves in other North American markets, the European market offered a huge opportunity for expansion. The absence of the K-Cup or any single cup brewing option made the European market a potentially viable one. Revenue : Market survey had showed that the at-home coffee market was potentially worth about 18billion in revenues, with the purchase of coffee makers potentially reaching 450million. These market values offer the potential for Keurig to make good sales, if the products are accepted. With the success of the office market, coffee buys could be admonished into paying for coffee makers for their own use, to enable them recreate the good quality coffee experienced in the office, in their homes. KADs referral program : The referral program offered a discount to the distribution networks that brought in sales for the at-home brewers. With the large number of partner distributors Keurig has, this program offers a very good opportunity to further boost sales and generate revenue.

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