Who Am I Without Him By Sharon Flake Analysis

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In the story “Who am I without him?” written by Sharon Flake, I feel the author described the characters within their actions. The main characters and Raheem have a violence relationship. Raheem treats her bad and over powers her. She decides to stay with him and get hurt. I cannot connect to this but there are a lot of girls/women that are afraid to speak for themselves. Raheem yelling and pulling on the girls gold hoop earring made him look like a bad person; he was described by his actions. The main character does have some strengths but Raheem makes them weaknesses. She is afraid to stand up for herself and say something to him. The evil one is Raheem he knows the girl really likes him so he decides to treat her wrong. In the story she says ‘You my man! What you doing looking at her for?’ Raheem’s hand smashes the words back into my mouth.’ Girl don’t make me…!’ The characters do act and talk like regular people. The characters throughout the whole story do not change. Raheem keeps on treating the girl bad and she’ll try and try to correct him but it doesn’t work out that way. The way he…show more content…
Neither girl nor women should be treated the way Raheem treats the main character. The main character needs to learn how to let Raheem go. Yes, he might be the perfect guy, but the almost perfect guy can treat you way better. Guys who are perfect take advantage of their ‘perfectness’. She needs to know that not every guy judges you by your looks. Also the so called ‘good girls’ need to know their place and to respect when someone already has something or someone. This whole story has all type of ways it just needs changes. Like when Raheem slapped her and she apologized for it, because growing up her father use to beat her mom, and her mom was the one to apologize. Both the main character and Raheem think it’s okay to treat and be treated the way he treats her, this is the result of growing up in an abusive

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