What Role Does Religion Play In Hamlet

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To believe or Not to Believe I myself believe that religion plays a major role in Hamlet. Shakespeare was influenced by religion throughout his writing of Hamlet, with Christianity being the main influence on the play. Therefore, one can conclude that religion would play a major role in the play. But in order to properly analyze the role of religion in the play we must ask ourselves certain questions like: Were the characters believers? Was Hamlet himself a believer? Does religion help give readers a better understanding of scenes throughout the play? By asking ourselves these simple questions we can successfully analyze the role of religion in the play. It is easily seen that most characters in this play are indeed believers. For example,…show more content…
One being the example, in the previous paragraph, of him asking Horatio and Marcellus to swear on the sword. If he did not believe then this simple gesture would mean nothing to him and he would not have asked them to do that. Another example would be the fact that he does not commit suicide because it would be against the will of God. Hamlet says “Or that the Everlasting had not fix’d His canon ‘gainst self-slaughter! O God! God! How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable, Seem to me all the uses of this world! Fie on’t! ah fie! ‘tis an unweeded garden” (1. 2.). One can easily tell that he is a believer because if he didn’t believe he wouldn’t care. Suicide is believed by Christians to be morally wrong because only God can decide when you die. Hamlet is also mad at his uncle because he not only murdered his father but he married his mother. During that time it was considered incest to marry your brother’s widow. This type of incest was described as “damned” and it would be for a religious reason that Hamlet despises this marriage because it goes against his…show more content…
He says “In Shakespeare’s Hamlet, one notices how often Hamlet mentions God, even though there are few or no substantive references to religion in the play.” (Auster). He continues to argue that Hamlet only mentions God because it is normal in the “lingua franca of Western man” to make references to God even if you don’t believe (Auster). I have proven multiple times already how Hamlet is a believer and I have given multiple examples to provide evidence that other characters also believe. I think Auster is completely wrong when he says
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