Gender Roles In The Princess And The Goblin

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In Louise Fitzhugh’s realistic novel, Harriet the Spy, and George MacDonald’s fantasy tale, The Princess and the Goblin, the young protagonists are placed under the care of aging nurses. In these stories, caretakers are typically quiet, compassionate females who chaperone the offspring of a wealthy family. In the Welsch household, Ole Golly is paid to assist in the rearing of Harriet whilst the young princess’s grandmother physically manifests at random intervals. By focusing on the physical distinction between Ole Golly and Irene’s Grandmother, their varying regulation of etiquette, their marital status and accessibility, and the protagonists’ relations with their father reveals their qualifications as nurturers. However, Ole Golly’s teaching…show more content…
In Fitzhugh’s Harriet the Spy, Ole Golly is an instrumental figure in Harriet’s childhood and transition into adolescence. However, she is not described as a great beauty. MacDonald writes, “The face of the nurse looking out of the window was not the best-looking face in the world, but for all tis frowning, its sharp, dark lines, there was kindness there” (Fitzhugh 7). Ole Golly is not physically attractive but contains a nurturing soul. Despite the deceiving nature of appearances, Harriet’s bond with her nurse is based upon love, not appearance. When running through their bedtime routine, a physical gesture is offered to Harriet, revealing personal affection. MacDonald states, “Ole Golly leaned over and gave [Harriet] a hard little peck on the forehead. Ole Golly was never very kissy, which Harriet thought was just as well, as she hated it” (MacDonald 25). This physical gesture solidifies that their relationship extends beyond physical appearance. Ole Golly showcases that age does not hinder an individual’s ability to care for someone. Conversely, Irene’s grandmother, who is described as a regale beauty, also has a compassionate

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