Western Cordillera Research Paper

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Mountains, beautiful lakes, landscapes, a coastal atmosphere – the Western Cordillera has it all. If you're interested in living in the landscapes of the Rockies, or by the Pacific Ocean, the Western Cordillera may be for you. This report is to inform you about all you need to know about the landform region, from it's physical characteristics to what you can expect by living here. Located on the west coast of Canada, the Western Cordillera is home to one of Canada's most famous land regions, the Rockies. The Rockies are Canada's youngest mountain ranges, so erosion hasn't yet affected the size of them. The highest peak is Mt. Elbert, in Colorado. When the North American and the Pacific plates collided, they folded and formed the Rockies.…show more content…
It can range from alpine tundra and coastal rainforest, to grasslands and savannahs. Five out of eight of Canada's forests are found in the Western Cordillera. Some of the trees that make up the Cordillera are Douglas Fir, Lodgepole Pine, Yellow Cedar, and the Pacific Dogwood. There are over 50 species of coniferous trees in British Columbia alone. Soil in the Cordillera is much similar to soil in the interior plains. It's very rich, fertile and moist because of the large amount of rain, especially towards the Western…show more content…
This area is important to Canada because it's the first national park in Canada, and has several nature preserves home to an ecosystem full of animals and vegetation. This park is also a big tourist attraction because of it's flora and fauna and natural beauty. This area is very important to Canada and needs to be protected. The Western Cordillera is known for it's beauty, however there is lots of human activity in the area. Many cities are settled in the location, such as Victoria, Banff, and Vancouver. Many people have decided to settle in the area because of the vast amount of jobs in several of the industries available. There is also a huge film industry in British Columbia, also known as Canada's Hollywood. It truly is the perfect area for those looking for a balance between human activity and nature. In conclusion, the Western Cordillera is the perfect place to settle if you love nature, or even if you love the hustle and bustle of city life. If you're looking for a new place to call home, the Western Cordillera is the place to

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