Warren Sapp's Case Summary

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Another major incident occurred back in 1998. Rookie Cameron Cleeland, who was with the New Orleans Saints at the time, was subjected to hazing when he was punched in the nose, had his ankle almost broken, and was hit in the eye with a sock of coins that left him partially blind. Another case dates for a span of 5 years straight from the years 1995 until 2000. Warren Sapp, who was then a player with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, bullied teammate Chidi Ahanotu. As a leader of one of the best defenses at that time, Warren Sapp took it upon himself to verbally attack and physically intimidate his teammate. Ahanotu later claimed that his coaches at the time, Tony Dungy and Jon Gruden, overlooked the hazing because Sapp was a well-respected and

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