Warren Buffett Leadership Style

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A life as happening as Warren Buffett's has many features. Several Books have been written about the outstanding Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK-A ) (NYSE: BRK-B ) chairman and CEO's many accomplishments. So it's difficult to pick out only some bright spots over the period of an investing life that spans across some decades. I've selected 4 situations of particular distinction displaying the man's sharp mind for attracting the perfect chance to open a stock position... and for being sure about how to spend his money wisely, in more ways than one. 1956 --Partnering up After passing out with a graduation degree of Master of Science from Columbia university, starting a family, and working for his Guru and extraordinary investment expert Benjamin Graham, the young lad was ready to face the market on his own with courage. He initiated three partnerships using about $105,000 in investor capital, which consisted a $700 contribution fund from himself. It was as chairman of Buffett Partnership that he started writing…show more content…
Although, ultimately, final decisions are taken by them, they attempt to consider everyone’s concerns and opinions before taking final decisions. Such leadership style is personified by Warren Buffett very well. Warm and vague are not words usually used to portray stalwarts of industry, if one is not thinking about Buffett . Inspite of being the second-richest man on the earth, Buffett had always remained to be approachable and humble. He gives lot of importance interaction and cooperation with his followers and tries to form a nurturing work climate. Within the several companies under his leadership, he places lot of significance on mutual trust, interpersonal respect and communication. Buffett is fondly known as being considerably forgiving and “loves to praise and give credit to his managers while

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