Visit To Knott

294 Words2 Pages
With the height of 148’ and the speed of 55 mph was enough for my fear to conquer me. There I was ready and in front of my biggest fear… People made jokes about it while I was screaming from the inside how did I get here…? why did I get here…? Can I still back out…? I was invited to go to Knott’s Berry Farm with my family. When my family invited me to the amusement park I felt anxious and dazed. I heared of that place before, there is roller coasters and a bunch of rides. Later that evening I was decided to not get in any ride if I didn’t want to. ¨All rides are big and really fast¨ acknowledged my cousin Diego. ¨You must be lying, not all of them will be fast and huge. There has to be a regular one right?¨ I question him giving him

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