Victorias Milling Company Case Study

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1.2. Statement of the Problem The Victorias Milling Company is not just the asia’s biggest sugar milling but also one of the top tourist attraction of Negros Occidental. The development of new facilities is a challenge for the VMC to survive economic threats both locally and globally. By adding an educational and tourism complex, it may support the growing demands of sugar and tourism industry in the country. The proposed development will not only sustain the sugar milling industry but will also benefit the people of Negros and the country. The need for a supporting facility that would attract investors is a must. The challenge of every milling industry is the environmental impact it brings and as part of the problem, new technologies will…show more content…
The development will be an opportunity for new investors and new capital that can sustain the needs of sugar industry. It will also be the home for Victorias City festival and can be a major tourist attraction in the city. Moreover, the importance of the approach in the development would be able to create an epistemic impact both economically and environmentally. Thus, the educational and tourism complex will benefit the country in many aspects. It will lead to more job opportunities, investments and profits that would support the VMC sugar…show more content…
Goals and Objectives The main goal of the project is to build an educational and tourism complex through synesthetic approach in architecture with the integration of sugar heritage. Objectives • To integrate the facilities of sugar milling to educational and tourism complex. • To introduce varied and specialized tourism facilities to satisfy assorted needs of tourists and to create new tourism demand. • To provide new facilities for the sugar milling company that can upgrade the quality of services and outputs produced by the industry. • To design an educational and tourism complex through synesthetic approach in architecture with consideration to sustainable design practices. 1.5. Justification of the study Sugar industry has been a great factor in country’s economic growth. It is one of the leading products our country export globally. The problem sugar milling industry is facing today is crucial and it needs a solution to support its operation. In the proposed development, it will be a channel for new investors and also can be a factor in tourism industry. It will offer varieties of activities that can suffice the needs of the

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