My Sister's Keeper Movie Review Essay

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Briyana Anderson Composition 2 Hamilton July 20, 2015 My Sister’s Keeper: Does the Film Relay the Story as Well as the Book? Jodi Picoult, a bestselling women’s author, has thought outside the box of decent and perfect writing by investigating unthinkable subjects with affectability and coarseness. She has investigated terrible themes from assault to organ gift and terminal ailment. The scandalous hazy area where things are not obvious and there are alternate points of view to consider. My Sister’s Keeper is a heart warming tale of a young girl, Anna Fitzgerald, fighting for the freedom of her body, while her parents subject her to painful surgeries in order to help her sister. Her sister, Kate, has been diagnosed with leukemia since before Anna was born. Part of the reason Anna was born was to make sure they had the perfect donor for…show more content…
Although these two are very strong leads, the movie was lacking in the dramatic and emotional areas that the book excelled. It figured out how to turn a delicate, sweet and charming teen romance into something excessively tasteless and superfluous. Although the director of this movie does have creative freedom to remove or change what he sees fit, the alterations of the book were unnecessary and changed the entire outlook on the story. One of the best parts in the book that is forgotten in the movie is Jesse’s side story. Movie goers do not get to see how Jesse descends into a life of arson, alcohol, and other crimes. A key character, Julia, the guardian for Anna as she pursues her case with her parents, is completely omitted from the movie. Then the ending is entirely different from the book, which I will not spoil. The book ending is a heart wrenching, tear jerking plot twist whereas the movie enduing is completely predictable and leaves the readers in a state of curiosity as to why the change was

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