Ukiyo-E Influence On Society

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The influence of Japanese society and culture on Ukiyo-e Woodprints during the Edo Period. The Ukiyo-e art form that originated in Japan during the Edo period went through a rapid evolution as Japanese society advanced and played an influence on the types of art that were popular and produced. Ukiyo-e has its roots in earlier woodblock prints that were originally used to print Buddhist Images and seals in books. Later prints were made for all different types of Books such as in literature such as the Ise monogatari (The Tales of Ise) in 1608 (Harris 2011, p. 37.) To create the woodblock prints, carvings were made into wood and then printed onto a parchment material with inks. This allowed for mass production of not only books, but also books of artwork, and single parchments of art. Ukiyo-e originally was printed with only monochrome ink and then some colored detail would be painted into the print later with a brush. These early ukiyo-e prints were mostly used as advertisements and…show more content…
As demand grew for more woodblock prints, Ukiyo-e artists began to hone their skills and develop new ways to produce more colorful prints. The lower class Japanese became very interested in these art book prints that were being produced by the woodblocks, as many of them were illiterate and could not read the books that the prints were originally developed for. These commoners originally got interested in erotic picture books and fashion books that depicted scenes of erotica and elaborate kimono patterns. The erotic art is known as “shunga” and they are one of the rarest forms of Ukiyo-e art forms to survive. Chikanobu (attrib.) (1832-1912) "Lady in Speckled Pink" 1880s 4 3/4 x

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