USCIS Strategy Plan Analysis

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In the aftermath of catastrophic terror attacks on September 11, 2001, the federal executive branch of the United States launched a national effort to secure America by reducing the nation’s enduring vulnerability to terrorism, and minimize the damage and recover if such an event does occur. The Quadrennial Homeland Security Review (2014) recalled the homeland security mission, which is to prevent terrorism and enhance security, secure and manage the U.S. border, enforce and administer U.S. immigration laws, safe guard and secure cyber space, and ensure resilience to disasters. Securing the homeland is a goal agencies within DHS are continuously trying to achieve and to accomplish its goals, the federal executive branch continuously strengthens…show more content…
The USCIS strategic plan is a guide outlining their role within DHS. The USCIS strategy plan is cross functional and aims to: 1.Strengthen the security and integrity of the immigration system; 2. Provide effective customer-oriented immigration benefits and information services; 3.Support the integration and participation of immigrants into American civic culture; 4.Promote flexible and comprehensible immigration policies and programs; 5.Strengthen the infrastructure of USCIS; and 6. Operate as a high-performance agency that promotes a talented and dynamic workforce and work culture…show more content…
by ensuring only eligible applicants receive immigration benefits. Advanced risk assessment tools are applied to reduce identity and benefit fraud, and better streamline data sharing with partners to efficiently verify the identity of individuals closed security gaps and was a result of a modernized agency (USCICS Strategic Plan, 2012, p.20). To strengthen the integrity of USCIS, the DHS US-VISIT biometric screening program, an inventory that uniquely identifies applicants and petitioners, in connection with their automated system the identity of applicants will be preserved for later identification, verification, and benefits processing purposes. This initiative improves the times it takes to verify an applicant’s identity. USCIS safeguards information and assets by training and educating employees and conducting defensive activities to identify and analyze external threats (USCICS Strategic Plan, 2012, p.24). Employees undergo background checks for security clearance purposes because the immigration system relies on the vigilance of the employee (USCICS Strategic Plan, 2012, p.20). An Intelligence Program that is aligned with the National Intelligence plan of DHS was implemented to strengthen security. Background checks are conducted by law enforcement, fingerprint checks are completed, through the use of technology and additional employees Fraud Detection and National security is enhanced, and inter-agency information sharing

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