Relationship Between Paradise Lost And Frankenstein

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Parents Relationships are complicated; however, once creation has been added to the mix, the complexity increases by tenfold. The relationship between a creature and its creator should, in general, be peaceful and parental. Unfortunately, this utopian thought is not always the case, as shown by Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and John Milton’s Paradise Lost. In Frankenstein, the “creature” and Victor have a negative relationship which centralizes on Dr. Frankenstein abandoning the “creature”. This abandonment significantly impacts the creature, as he says“Unfeeling, heartless creator! you had endowed with me perceptions and passions, and then cast me abroad for the scorn and horror of mankind.” (Shelley, 138) As the creature emphatically states, he expects parental guidance and shelter of Victor, neither of which are provided. In addition, the creature subtly questions the reason for his creation, due to Victor’s disownment. However, despite Victor’s lack of parenting, the creature still expects guidance and assistance from Frankenstein as he states “For you only could I hope for succor.” (Shelley 138)…show more content…
During Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden, Adam questions God’s creation of him. Despite seeming like an arbitrary thought, this questioning links with Frankenstein. Adam specifically asks “Did I solicit Thee from darkness to promote me, or here place In this delicious garden?” (Milton) Adam is less about his creation but more his expulsion. Adam is being expelled out of his garden paradise into a world that he does not understand without any guidance or survival skills. Thus, Adam questions God by asking why he was created. Through this questioning, Paradise Lost connects with

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