To Kill A Mockingbird Jem Maturity Analysis

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In these chapters, the conclusion of the trial of the convicted Tom Robinson brings up a prominent theme of maturity when considered by multiple characters. One example of this theme being displayed is through Jem’s character in Chapter 22 as he is ‘growing up’. He is getting older, and so he understands more about how the world works than Scout or Dill. This is first shown when Dill, Scout, and Jem go to Miss Maudie’s after the trial and she has cake prepared for them. One large cake is on the table, but only two small cakes are present. This confuses the children, but the reasoning is brought to their attention when Miss Maudie gives to Jem a slice out of the large cake instead of the small one he would usually receive. This cake is symbolic of the understanding of the true corruption and…show more content…
He understands its cruelty and prejudice, and is able to handle as well as explain them, while Dill shows a lack of this understanding by crying at the trial and using childlike imagination to escape his problems. When handed a piece out of the large cake by miss Maudie, a symbol of the maturity Jem receives at his age is employed to advance the overall theme of maturity in the novel. Another point at which the theme of maturity is shown is shortly after, when Miss Maudie reprimands Jem because she believes he lacks the age to fully appreciate her statement. Upon hearing this, Jem brings up the simile “‘It’s like being a caterpillar in a cocoon...I always thought Maycomb County folks were the best folks in the world.’” The phrase describing his situation like a ‘caterpillar in a cocoon’ explains that Jem is undergoing a mental and emotional transformation not only as he matures in age, but as events transpire relating to

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