They Poured Fire On Us From The Sky Analysis

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Benson Deng, Alephonsion Deng, and Benjamin Ajak’s, autobiographical novel, They Poured Fire on Us from the Sky, laces together their experiences as they were forced out of their homeland and were welcomed into America. There are understandable differences between the Lost Boys ideas of political concepts and the stereotypical American view based on the two different societies and the experiences they faced. The five concepts which are going to be discussed throughout this paper are the Lost Boys and American public, views on government, war, women, education, and America. Americans tend to distrust government, dislike the effects war has had on the American economy, treat women according to a double standard, and believe that education…show more content…
Alepho recalled that, “The adults talked of war all the time…They called it a religious war... From what [he] could see, men or women, children or adults, young or aged, rich or poor, war was making everyone equal” (Deng, 123). Women and children were trapped in their homes, while the Murahilin burned them down, men were captured and were killed with machetes, some young boys were killed to prevent opposition when matured, and girls were kidnapped, raped and sold into slavery. This was a very hard time for all people. Since the break-up of families and traveling on foot to Ethiopia and Kenya, people starved, were dehydrated, and it seemed almost impossible to survive. The Lost Boys discovered that people began to care only for themselves “because hunger changes you, causing you to act like an animal” (Deng, 206). “Money could move the mountain…” meaning that you could leave the worst camps based on your wealth, but it did not take you away from the war. (Deng, 263) In order to survive this war the Lost Boys made themselves “strong as a group” (Deng,

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