Titratable Acidity Of Food Lab

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The purpose of this experiment is to familiarize students with three essential experimental processes that are essential to food scientists; so that they may properly package, preserve, categorize, and measure concentrations of some of the different substances within food. In order to provide students a glimpse into the food science industry, four food assessment techniques were employed, the measurement of pH, titratable acidity, refractometery, and sugar/acid ratio calculation. Each of these techniques yields different sets of information that are integral to the job of a food scientist. The measurement of pH is used to determine the acidity of foods. In this experiment, the pH of lemon juice, wheat flour, and a tomato we all measured. A pH measurement is useful because the amount of acid contained in different foods can help determine the heat…show more content…
The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14 and solutions ranked less than 7 are considered acidic and solutions above 7 are basic. In order to use the pH meters in the lab foods must be in solution form, thus the tomato had to be mashed into juice and the wheat flour had to be a mixed with water to create a solution. The next technique used in this lab was titratable acidity; this measurement is used to measure the total amount of acid in a food, which helps food scientists to categorize a food and give them a profile to produce cheese or yogurt from milk. In this section of the lab a base 0.1 NaOH is used to neutralize a solution of orange juice and indicator that changes color when the solution has been neutralized. The third technique utilized in this lab is refractometery; this technique uses the reflection of light to measure the concentration of soluble solids that are in particular food. This measurement is useful for food scientists to categorize different food substances. In this experiment refractometery was used to measure the % sugar in strawberry preserves, a tomato(mashed from pH measurement), and orange

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