Thomas More And Dannon Analysis

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Throughout history, many great people have risen and fallen in power and prestige in an attempt to influence the cultures and societies in which they were involved. A great number of these people have been silenced, imprisoned and or executed for what they believe. Two of these individuals in particular were involved in moral and spiritual battles that helped shape religion and government into forms we recognize today. Thomas More and George Danton and their famous struggles were involved in the creation of the Anglican Church of England and the French Revolution respectively. Both of these highly revered and respected men helped shape history and provided a path through which society could advance. Though they are seemingly as similar as night…show more content…
More was tried with a council of men that disliked him and what he stood for. Danton was similarly tried but the jury with which his trial was held consisted of only men that Robespierre knew for a fact would find him guilty. At least in More’s case the jury was made of the same few dignitaries who tried everyone. Continuing on Thomas More’s circumstances, the trial was held to the judicial standards of England at the time and didn’t seem to violate any rules of conduct from the perspective of the viewer. More accepted his fate with some sorrow and a sense of peace because he knew in his heart that he was doing right by God and that he would be judged in heaven as such (“A Man for All Season”). He pleaded with his family to understand the choice he had made and they eventually reluctantly did so because they understood that disobeying God whether for the country of England or not, was still disobeying God. He was found guilty and executed by order of the king. Moving on to Danton, he and his closest friends were tried unjustly in front of a large portion of the French community. They were denied witnesses which was a huge injustice on its own, but Danton decided to break a rule of his own, he addressed the crowd. This eventually lead to he and his comrades being removed from the courtroom because of a decree made by the committee after the trial had begun, they knew Danton would not stand idly by as his fate was decided for him. He spoke again in the second half of the trial as did every one of his friends and they all were lead out of the room. The verdict of guilty was read for all of them and each man was sent to the guillotine. Danton had the nerve to tell the executioner to show his severed head to the crowd saying “it’ll be worth it”

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